Louise Horscroft

Louise has worked in the Business Utilities industry for the past 9 years and is an expert in business energy. Having worked for a large broker as the head of customer services and retention she developed a keen understanding around the complexities of the energy industry and how business energy suppliers behave, including rules, terms and conditions. She is passionate about giving business owners the information they need get the most from their electricity and gas supply.

What is an LOA What is a letter of authority?

A Letter of Authority (LOA) grants permission to a third-party intermediary to act on your behalf regarding your energy contracts. 💡A Third Party Intermediary (TPI) in business energy is an independent entity, like an energy broker, that acts as a middleman between energy suppliers and businesses. In this guide, we explain what an LOA can…

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Contract Termination Letter Business Energy Contract Termination Template

When running a business, you may encounter various reasons to terminate your current energy contract, such as: High Costs: Switching to a more cost-effective supplier. Poor Customer Service: Dissatisfaction with the current supplier’s service. Better Offers: More competitive rates or better terms from another business energy supplier. Business Relocation: Moving to a new location requires…

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