Archives for Energy Guides

Electricity meters Meter Operators for business energy customers

Meter Operators (MOPs) are responsible for installing and maintaining electricity meters in commercial properties. Appointing a Meter Operator is mandatory for businesses with half-hourly electricity meters. However, most businesses fulfil this requirement by having a MOP contract included as part of their business energy tariff. In this guide, we explain the role of Meter Operators,…

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Energy Management System installation Energy Management Systems (EMS) for businesses

An Energy Management System (EMS) monitors, controls, and optimises energy consumption at a commercial property to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. This guide explains what an EMS is, how it works, and which businesses benefit most, helping you decide if it is a good investment for your company. Here are the key parts of…

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Onshore wind farm Can my business sell REGO certificates?

Prices for REGOs have increased over 100x over the past three years, making claiming and selling REGOs a worthwhile exercise for even small-scale generators of renewable power. This guide explains how businesses can generate and sell REGO certificates. Here’s what we cover: Requirements for generating REGOs How to claim REGOs The REGO selling process How…

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UK onshore wind farm The Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) scheme

The Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) system is a certification scheme in the UK that guarantees the source of renewable energy, providing confidence for consumers who pay for green energy tariffs. A REGO certificate is issued for every 1 MWh (1,000 kWh) of renewable electricity generated. The certificates are sold by generators and purchased…

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Objection A guide to business energy objections

Switching business energy suppliers can help businesses save on costs and improve efficiency, but occasionally the process encounters obstacles. Sometimes, your current energy supplier can block your switch by objecting to your new supplier, creating a hurdle that needs to be addressed before the process can continue. This guide to business energy objections covers: Definition…

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ESOS scheme represented by a lightbulb Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy efficiency assessment programme in the UK, requiring large businesses to identify energy-saving opportunities. The government estimates that measures adopted because of the scheme save 1.65 TWh of business energy consumption annually. The ESOS rules and requirements published on the website are over 36,000 words…

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