Ben Brading 5 min read

New business electricity connection

Electricity supplies to commercial properties are becoming increasingly important as British businesses transition to heat pumps and EV charging.

This guide offers a step-by-step overview of arranging a new business electricity connection.

Our guide to getting a new business electricity connection

Our experts have summarised the electricity connection process in six steps that apply regardless of whether you are a small business energy customer or an industrial-sized company.

The time and work needed for each step will depend on the property type, power supply requirements, and the distance from the local grid.

Below, we’ve summarised the six essential steps for arranging a business electricity connection.

Follow the link on each step to find out more.

Electricity supply specifications

The first step of the business electricity connection process is understanding your property’s electricity requirements.

Here is a list of the minimum specifications that you’ll need to know at the start of the business electricity connections process:

  • Annual Expected Business Energy Consumption (in kWh) – The amount of electricity in kWh that you expect to consume each year. We recommend considering any high-consumption devices you expect to use, such as AC units, EV charging, and heat pumps.
  • Maximum Demand (in kWh) – The maximum power you expect to consume in any 30-minute period. See our article on maximum demand for more information.
  • Site Plan – A detailed site plan showing the layout, buildings, and intended points of connection.

Get permission from the local DNO

To connect your business to the local electricity grid, you will need to gain permission from your local distribution network operator (DNO).

To find out who manages your local electricity grid, visit our complete guide to distribution network operators.

The DNO will assess your technical requirements against the capacity of the local grid to ensure they can accommodate the proposed electricity connection.

Once a DNO approves your request, they’ll issue you a Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN), a unique identifier associated with your proposed business electricity connection.

Engage a business utilities specialist

The process of installing a new business electricity connection requires expertise in:

  • Planning and Designing – Designing the optimal connection given the property layout and supply specifications.
  • Coordination – Coordinating with DNOs, meter operators, electricity suppliers, and groundwork contractors.
  • Considering Other Utilities – Coordinating groundwork with other utilities, including business gas and business water connections.
  • Compliance – Ensuring that your connection complies with all legal, regulatory, and safety requirements.

We recommend engaging a business utilities specialist to manage your electricity connection. Here’s a list of trusted business electricity connection specialists:

Planning for the connection

An electricity connection specialist will develop a detailed plan for your business electricity connection, including:

  • Conducting a technical design and utility risk assessment that meets the technical standards.
  • Developing a coherent strategy for all your utility connections.
  • Negotiating any issues related to leases, wayleaves, and easements.
  • Obtaining a quote from the DNO for the connection up to the boundary of your property, in line with their connection charging methodology.
  • Securing services from local contractors with the necessary expertise to work on your property.
  • Scheduling and coordinating the day for the connection to be physically installed.

Appointing a business electricity supplier

You’ll need to appoint a licensed business energy supplier and sign up for a business energy contract for your new connection.

Our business energy experts have helped thousands of companies find the cheapest electricity tariffs. Compare business energy suppliers today to find a cheap tariff for your new electricity connection.

Once the connection has commenced, your new supplier will start issuing business electricity bills based on your agreed business electricity rates.

Connection work takes place

Either your DNO or a certified contractor will complete the physical work to connect your property to the electricity grid.

This involves:

  • Preparatory groundwork necessary to lay cables for the connection.
  • The DNO will install additional cables or transformers to support the new connection.
  • A certified electrician will handle internal wiring.
  • New business electricity meter installation.
  • Connection testing to ensure it is working effectively and safely.
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