Business energy suppliers

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  • Excellent customer service
  • Cheaper fixed energy rates
  • A hassle-free supplier switch

Best business energy suppliers

Businesses across Britain rely on an electricity and gas supply to keep their organisations powered up. Choosing a business energy supplier can be a headache. There are over 50 licenced suppliers to choose from, and they all offer something slightly different.

Our energy experts have prepared this guide to help you choose which business energy supplier is best for your business.

We start our guide with the top-ranked business energy suppliers according to Trustpilot:

NoSupplierAverage reviewReviewsCustomer
1United Gas and Power4.8859Business
2Octopus Energy4.8366,898Home and Business
4Good Energy4.811,936Home and Business
3Shell Business Energy4.7135Business
5Total Energies4.76,036Business
6Opus Energy4.57,566Business
7EDF4.594,783Home and Business
8Ecotricity4.35,771Home and Business
9Corona Energy4.31,699Business
10Clear Business4.26,714Business

Source: AquaSwitch’s Business Energy Supplier Rankings


How to find a business energy supplier that suits you

Our commercial energy experts present top tips for finding your next business energy supplier.

<h3>Review prices on offer</h3>

Review prices on offer

Business energy suppliers offer their best deals as fixed tariffs to attract new customers.

Find the business energy supplier offering the best rates on our business electricity prices and business gas prices pages.

<h3>Check supplier reputation</h3>

Check supplier reputation

If you’re thinking of switching to a new business energy supplier that is cheap but you’ve not sure if they are good we recommend searching “[Supplier name] trustpilot” and look at the reviews being left by real customers.

<h3>Assess suppliers green credentials</h3>

Assess suppliers green credentials

The best business energy suppliers directly invest in renewable energy infrastructure such as wind farms and hydroelectric dams.

We recommend visiting the website of your a prospective supplier to review their green credentials.

<h3>Review supplier energy types</h3>

Review supplier energy types

The regulator Ofgem separately licences commercial gas and business electricity suppliers. Check that your chosen supplier offers all the energy your business needs.

<h3>Do they offer energy exports?</h3>

Do they offer energy exports?

If investing in solar panels at your commercial property is something your considering check that your business energy supplier is signed up to the Smart Export Tariff scheme.

Check the latest list on Ofgem’s website.

<h3>Do they offer analytics tools?</h3>

Do they offer analytics tools?

The best business energy suppliers offer smart meters or half-hourly meters which measure electricity consumption continually providing data insights.

These suppliers will give you access to data analytics to help you optimise your energy usage.

Finding the right business energy supplier for a small business

Choosing the right energy supplier is crucial for small businesses. Since 2022, the price of electricity and gas soared, making energy one of the biggest overheads for small companies.

With the right business energy supplier, you can ensure cost-efficiency, reliability, and sustainability in your energy consumption.

Here are the three most important considerations to consider:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Compare business energy prices to find the most competitive suppliers. Look for transparent pricing structures without hidden fees, and consider the expected annual cost of contracts rather than just the unit rate.
  • Customer support and service: Good customer service can make a significant difference, especially when issues arise. Choose a supplier that provides responsive, accessible support and services tailored to small businesses’ unique needs.
  • Additional benefits: Some suppliers may offer perks such as energy audits, efficiency advice, or smart business energy meters at no extra cost. These features can help you manage and reduce unnecessary energy consumption, saving your business money.

Big-six business energy suppliers

The ‘big-six’ is a term often used to describe the biggest energy suppliers in the UK following the deregulation of the energy market in the late 1990’s.

Since then, there have been several mergers, acquisitions and new suppliers that have taken a large market share.

Our business energy experts summarise the current six biggest business energy suppliers:



<h3>British Gas</h3>

British Gas

Founded in 1812 as The Gas Light and Coke Company, British Gas is the oldest entity in the UK’s energy industry. It played a pivotal role in developing Britain’s gas market. Today British Gas is a major domestic and business energy supplier.



EDF, originally known as Électricité de France, was founded in 1946 following the nationalization of France’s electricity producers, transporters, and distributors. EDF entered the UK market in 2002 and has since been a major player, focusing heavily on low-carbon electricity from nuclear power.

<h3 id="npower">E.ON</h3>


E.ON has invested in various large-scale renewable projects and has recently agreed to build the UK’s largest roof-mounted solar project at the Port of Liverpool. E.ON’s business energy offerings include the brand nPower.



Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) was formed in 1998 through the merger of Scottish Hydro Electric and Southern Electric. SSE is a leading generator of renewable electricity and a distribution network operator in Scotland.

<h3 id="drax">Drax & Opus</h3>

Drax & Opus

Opus Energy, established in 2002, carved out a niche by supplying energy primarily to businesses, distinguishing itself from competitors by focusing on the unique needs of small companies. Opus is now part of the Drax Group.



Founded in 2015, Octopus Energy quickly established itself as an innovator in the British energy market. Known for its customer-centric approach and transparency, Octopus has been a pioneer in smart energy tariffs, including a 21-hour off-peak electricity contract.

Commercial energy suppliers

Commercial energy suppliers are pivotal in providing businesses of all sizes with the electricity and gas they need to operate.

Unlike domestic suppliers, commercial suppliers offer energy solutions tailored to the unique demands of businesses, which can include higher consumption rates and the need for more complex metering and billing systems.

In this section, we’ll cover those key questions regarding the role of a business energy supplier.

What is a business energy supplier?

A business energy supplier is a company licensed by Ofgem, the UK’s energy regulator, to purchase and distribute electricity and gas to commercial properties.

These suppliers operate within a regulated framework, ensuring that they meet certain standards of reliability and customer service.

A business energy supplier will conduct regular meter readings to measure electricity and gas consumption at each of their sites and bill for the energy used with:

Green business energy suppliers

Green business energy suppliers differentiate themselves by focusing on renewable and sustainable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.

These suppliers allow businesses to reduce their environmental impact and support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

In 2024, most business energy suppliers offer specific green business electricity tariffs alongside their standard tariffs, where energy is generated from various sources.

Which business energy supplier is best for large businesses?

Choosing the right energy supplier for large businesses involves navigating a complex array of factors due to the scale and diversity of their energy needs.

Large enterprises often manage multiple properties across locations, with high-consumption sites requiring half-hourly metering.

Several business energy suppliers specialise in offering large business energy solutions, including Drax and nPower.

It’s impossible to single out an individual business energy supplier that is best for large businesses. We recommend tendering with several suppliers to analyse their bespoke offerings when choosing a large business energy supplier.

What happens if my business energy supplier goes out of business?

Ofgem, the energy regulator in the UK, protects customers in the case of a business energy supplier going bust, ensuring that electricity or gas supplies are not interrupted.

The process of an energy supplier going bust will involve either:

  • Ofgem appoints a new supplier who will take over from your current supplier.
  • Ofgem puts the supplier into administration to ensure they can continue to operate (this was the case for failed supplier Bulb).