Switch business energy

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How to switch business energy suppliers

Here’s our step-by-step summary for switching business energy suppliers.

💡If you use our comparison service our business energy experts will manage each step of the switching process.

<h3>Step 1. Choose your new supplier</h3>

Step 1. Choose your new supplier

There are over 100 licenced commercial energy suppliers in the UK. The first step in the switching process is to choose which of these suppliers you want to switch to. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Contract length – Fixed business energy tariffs lock in rates between 1 and 3 years. Consider what will work best for your business.
  • Who is offering the cheapest tariffs? – Use our business energy comparison service to find out which supplier is currently offering the cheapest prices.
  • Who offers the best customer service? – Visit our best business energy suppliers page to find out which supplier has the best customer reviews.
<h3>Step 2: Collect the information you need</h3>

Step 2: Collect the information you need

All the information required to switch to a new business energy supplier can be found on a recent bill. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • The address and postcode of your commercial property
  • The energy supply you need (electricity or gas)
  • Your MPAN or MPRN
  • Name of your current supplier and tariff
  • The annual business electricity and gas consumption.
  • Details to set up a direct debit (bank account number, sort code, authorised signatory)
  • Details needed for a commercial credit check.
<h3>Step 3: Choose a switch date</h3>

Step 3: Choose a switch date

Choosing the correct switch date is crucial when switching business energy suppliers. If you are currently in the contract, your current supplier may block your switch or charge expensive early exit fees.

Here’s what our business energy experts recommend:

  • If you are currently in contract – Choose a switch date for the day after your current contract ends. This can be done up to a year in advance.
  • If you are out of contract – Choose an ‘as soon as possible’ switch date. Your new supplier will process the switch as quickly as possible, but it’s like to be two or three weeks.




<h3>Step 4: Sign your contract</h3>

Step 4: Sign your contract

Your chosen supplier will provide an electronic contract to sign up for the new tariff. An authorised signatory or your business will sign the contract as well as a direct debit authorisation form.

💡If you use our business electricity or business gas comparison services, you’ll also need to sign our letter of authority to allow our experts to manage the switching process.


<h3>Step 5: Await for contract acceptance</h3>

Step 5: Await for contract acceptance

Your new supplier will process your application and will be in touch with you to confirm acceptance.

Your new supplier’s customer service team will be in touch if there are any issues as part of their onboarding process.

💡Most business energy suppliers will conduct a credit check as part of their acceptance procedures.

<h3>Step 6: Confirmation of your switch date</h3>

Step 6: Confirmation of your switch date

Your chosen supplier will contact your old supplier to arrange your switch. This is a standard industry process managed by the regulator Ofgem.

Once the switch has been arranged, your chosen supplier will contact you to confirm your switch date.

💡If there are any objections from your current supplier, our business energy experts are on hand to help resolve them.

<h3>Step 7 - Take a meter reading on your switch date</h3>

Step 7 - Take a meter reading on your switch date

We highly recommend taking a manual meter reading on your confirmed switch date.

If you have a smart business energy meter, your chosen supplier may be able to do this automatically, but it’s worth having a backup, just in case.

Your new and old supplier will use your final meter reading to calculate your final and first bills.

<h3>Step 8 - Settling your old account</h3>

Step 8 - Settling your old account

Once the switch has been completed, your old supplier will send you a final bill for energy consumed up to the switch date.

Your old supplier will attempt to take payment through your direct debit if this is how you usually pay.

💡If your account is in credit (your old supplier owes you money), this will be refunded within 14 days of your final bill.

<h3>Step 9 - Start benefiting from cheaper rates</h3>

Step 9 - Start benefiting from cheaper rates

From your confirmed switch date, the electricity or gas your business consumes will be paid for at your new agreed rate.

This means you’ll be benefiting from cheaper business electricity prices agreed with your new supplier.

When’s the best time to switch business energy suppliers?

The business energy market is not governed by the energy price cap that limits out-of-contract prices for Britain’s households.

As a result, default business energy tariffs can be extremely expensive. Some suppliers charge twice as much on their default variable tariffs compared to the fixed tariffs they offer new customers.

The best advice we can give regarding small business energy is to regularly switch suppliers to avoid default variable rates. The optimum time to arrange a switch is in the last year of your fixed tariff, with a switch date set immediately after the end date of your current tariff.

Is there a fee for switching business energy suppliers?

No, as long as your business is out-of-contract then switching business energy suppliers is completely free.

Our business energy comparison service, which includes managing the switching process, is also entirely free.

Tips for switching business energy supplier

Our business energy experts strive to make the switching process as painless as possible. Here we present our three top tips to help avoid issues with your business energy switch.

<h3>Make sure you are up to date with bills</h3>

Make sure you are up to date with bills

Business energy suppliers will prevent your company from switching to a competitor if you have overdue business electricity bills.

Log in to your online account to check that your business is up to date before commencing the switching process.

<h3>Check your contract status</h3>

Check your contract status

Most fixed business energy tariffs have an early exit fee clause if you switch energy suppliers before your end date. Review a recent business gas bill or electricity bill to check the current tariff you have with your supplier.

If it’s unclear, we recommend ringing your current supplier’s customer services department to clarify your contract end date.

<h3>Carefully review your contract</h3>

Carefully review your contract

Business energy contracts are not protected by a 14-day cooling-off period.

If your business signs up for a new tariff, you’ll be contractually bound by its prices. Make sure you carefully review all the terms and conditions of your new tariff before signing.